indy20 Art exhibit in the Rice Media Center gallery
indymedia art and ephemeria exhibit on display from November 13 through December 9, 2019.
Digital Transfer Station: convert analog media to digital in Rice Media Center Classroom
November 30 and December 1 from 10am-6pm at indy20,
XFR Collective will provide a free pop-up VHS and MiniDV digitization station on a first come, first served basis to participants who bring analog indymedia materials!
You will be able to download preservation-grade digital versions of your materials from the Internet Archive.
Friday, November 29
Free and open to the public!
5pm Opening Reception for indy20 Art Exhibit
7pm Films & Opening Panel
Subcomandante Marcos’ Message to Freeing the Media Teach-In (1997)
La Voz de los Sin Voz (2003)
James Price, 13 minutes
Zapatista (1998)
Big Noise Films, 56 mins
DeeDee Halleck, co-founder of Paper Tiger Television and the Deep Dish Satellite Network, Professor Emerita at the University of California, San Diego.
Jacqueline Soohen is a founding member of Indymedia and Big Noise Films. She has participated in Indymedia manifestations around the world including Seattle, London, Genoa, Davos, Quebec City and South Africa and produced video for these including Showdown in Seattle. As a shooter/director/editor inside Big Noise Films she has been involved in countless newsreels and short films as well feature films including Zapatista, Black and Gold, This is What Democracy Looks Like, Fourth World War, and Dirty Wars. She was part of the initial team taking Democracy Now! on television and worked as a reporter in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and Egypt. She continues to make films and teach documentary as part of Midnight Productions. Their latest film, 16 SHOTS released this year examines the murder of teenager Laquan MacDonald by the Chicago police.
10pm Dance Party with DJ Estef
Saturday, N30
Morning events & lunch are open to invited guests only.9am Coffee & Breakfast
10am Welcome
10:30am Point of Order: Discussion on Intersectionality Moderated by Dr. Tane Ward
12:30 Lunch
All afternoon & evening events are free & open to the public!
1:30 Panel: Reflections on Our Media Movement
Ana Nogueira, co-founder of New York City indymedia & active in the global indymedia network, former Democracy Now! producer, director of “Roadmap to Apartheid” and co-founder of the May Day Space and Starr Bar in Brooklyn.
Danielle Chynoweth is co-founder of the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center, which supported over 50 national and international indymedia projects including the Global Indymedia Fund, Mobile ((i)), NYC IMC, IMC Growth in Africa Project, Indykids, and more. Danielle worked with the Prometheus Radio Project to pass the Local Community Radio Act in 2010 and was the Organizing Director at the Center for Media Justice until 2017. She currently works on housing rights as the Township Supervisor in Urbana, Illinois.
Evan Henshaw-Plath, one of the original hackers behind creation and growth of indymedia. He is a technologist who explores the intersection of products, engineering, and the political systems in which they exist.
4pm Films & Director Panel
Indymedia Newsreal
Praha 2000 (2000)
Prague indymedia, 55 minutes
Best of Submedia TV
Steev Hise, indymedia Newsreel collective member
Eddy Nix, Praha 2000 editorial collective member
Franklin Lopez, Submedia TV
6pm Dinner
7pm Films & Open Mic
Discussion moderated by Norman Stockwell
(((i))) of the Storm, prequel for i the film (2006)
Raphel Lyon, 14 minutes
Showdown in Seattle: Five Days that Shook the WTO (1999)
indymedia; Deep Dish Television; Seattle, Big Noise Films, Changing America, Free Speech TV, Headwaters Action Video, Paper Tiger TV, VideoActive, and Whispered Media, 60 minutes
10pm Dance Party at
The Flat
1701 Commonwealth St, Houston, TX 77006
Sunday, December 1
Morning events & lunch are open to invited guests only.
9:30am Coffee & Breakfast Tacos
10am Healing Circle: Shit Got Real Moderated by Karla Aguilar
Noon Lunch
All afternoon & evening events are free & open to the public!
1pm Panel: Not Dead Yet: Progeny of indymedia
Elizabeth Press & Branda Miller, Elizabeth helped launch a low-power FM station and local news show at the Sanctuary for Independent Media in Troy, NY, where Branda is the Arts and Education Coordinator. Both teach at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Elizabeth was a producer for Democracy Now!, and Branda is an award-winning editor.
John Tarleton, executive editor of The Indypendent newspaper. Launched in 2000 by NYC indymedia, John joined the paper in 2001 and played a key role in its development as an editor, reporter, volunteer coordinator and architect of a citywide distribution network in libraries, shops and newspaper boxes. The paper just published issue #250.
Rachel Clarke, long-time producer of the weekly Houston Indymedia Radio Show on KPFT-FM, the only Pacifica radio station south of the Mason-Dixon line. Even after the Houston and Radio indymedia websites folded, she has helped keep the show on the air while also working as a Bilingual Educator. In 2018 it grew from 30 minutes to a full hour.
3pm Films & Director Panel
Newly Digitized Footage!
Pie’s the Limit (2000)
Whispered Media, 30 minutes
Miami Model: Free Trade Police State (2004)
Indymedia, 91 minutes
Francine Cavanaugh, Whispered Media, Miami Model editorial collective and Houston She-ro for Pieing Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling
Ali, Indybay and Miami Model editorial collective
5pm Closing Reception